티스토리 뷰


Best Superhero Movie

마마리뷰 2017. 10. 5. 23:23

enjoy with family, cool special effects and fight scenes

highly recommended - very interesting comedy superhero film

I am telling you, you'll ask for more!



Peter Quill, our bumptious and very fun space adventurer, finds himself the target of relentless ravagers and bounty hunters after he steals an orb coveted by a powerful villain, Ronan. To elude him, Quill is forced into an uneasy entente with four variegated mavericks: Rocket Raccoon, treelike-humanoid Groot, oracular Gamora, and vengeance-driven Drax the Destroyer. But when they uncover the orb's true power and the cosmic threat it poses, Quill must reunite his incongruous group to save the universe making them the so called "Guardians of the galaxy"! Wow, this movie is so hilarious that my tummy aches as I laughed hard!



Plus you know what, it's cool to see a record tape and Walkman, and it's impressive how they connect it with the story. Its heartwarming scenes can make you feel sad, the remix of volume 1 and 2 tapes can be noticeable. You'll understand me if you watch the best superhero movie I ever watched.



I tell you friends, it's a fun story and the friendship is absolutely cool. You'll be sad Groot will sacrifice himself, but the baby Groot is so cute and you can watch more of it on the part 2! So better watch Guardians of the Galaxy sequels, the best superhero movie indeed! and do watch with family and friends! I laughed and felt worried, this is fun! I loved how they put humor to this superhero movie, totally fun!



The best part is when they're all in prison, they make friends and it's so funny when they plan the escape!


Watch it, enjoy and share Best Superhero Movie!
